

Please remember to go to the pages of the albums you like and make a comment. If you enjoy and download for free . . . Freely give your appreciation . . . with your words.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Always Interesting and Appealing . . .

Briovere Buffentis, "Another night (47)"

When I heard those first notes . . . and then that funky female vocal of "Spring Fever"  . . . I was captivated . .. my feet tapping . . . my heart beating in rhythm . . . totally in love with the music (jazzy, funky, hoppy, poppy) . . . This ten track album is a generous offering and so appealing in appearance and sound that I was eager to hear each track as it came up . . . Not having heard this musician before and always eager to hear something new, but often hesitant, I discovered this album to contain some very interesting notes interspersed with conventional sounds . .. and an eclectic atmosphere where one could find all kinds of music . . . always upbeat but . .. . various nice sounds . . . and always interesting.


  Royalty-free music for professional licensing

JORGESTRADA, "Invocations (Simple piano pieces and three songs (Invocaciones))

I was so excited when I saw that Jorge Estrada had a new album out . . . some older music, revised, and new too . . . music that incorporates, both serenity and peacefulness from the heart of the musician  . ..  and the twinkle of responsive instruments . . . 

This musician sets a calming pace with his piano . . . taking care of our dreams and leaning into our soul with the music . . . his vocals are so emotional that one can't help but identify with the passion and try to reach out to the singer . ..  I think I especially loved the rock song, "Between two lines," which was quite stunningly beautiful and the words were meaningfully touching . . . .

 I want to add, also that the album cover was so classy it caught my eye before I saw the name or title . . . those white-based album covers are always so cooly beautiful that one EXPECTS beautiful music and with this one, you will not be disappointed.



  1. My dear Wolfsong, Thanks for stopping to listen my music. For your support always... I was looking your blog to ask you some letters of your poems. I hope in the future, you can help me with lyrics on my songs.
    Thanks for all!
    Jorge Estrada

  2. Any time, Jorge . . . Thank you for sharing your so lovely music! You know, it's the music from Jamendo which has inspired me so much . . . for my poetry.
    Thank you,
