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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Winter Lights . . .

The dark of winter .  . brings the longing for warmth and light . . . and thus we search and find the bright in life that builds our souls and fills our hearts and warms the depths of our very being . . . music and stars at night are more beautiful than ever . . . so here is the music . . . you look for the stars . . .

The Piano Guys are an interesting crew of pianists and cellists with great holiday music. Check them out on YouTube:


Here is a two hour jazzy fireplace video with holiday music that will get your feet to tapping and a smile stretched across your face . . .  The producer remastered all the music so it seamlessly falls into place as you listen and enjoy the warm embrace of the fireplace . . .

List of titles can be found on the youtube page along with the download list.


This is one of my most favorite winter albums on Jamendo (2009, Peace of Winter). Not necessarily a traditional holiday music but sure fits into the theme . .  .


And these gorgeous guitar pieces . . . Melt into this mellow traditional holiday music.


These lovely traditional Christmas carols (mostly piano) will heal your heart and fill you with sentimental memories.


More guitar as described, . .  lovely tranquil listening . . . . Relax:


And finally the sounds of Winter's breath, by a guy who can make life (and death) come even more alive with the touch of his fingers:


That's all for now . . .  More later if I run into anything I can't live without . . . but in the meantime there is plenty here for hours of enjoyment!

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